Cindy Farmer

I never felt a lump, I was energetic--in fact, I'd never felt better in my life! I was about to hop on a plane to New York City for another few shows before the end of Fashion Week when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was September 11th of last year, 2014. 

A routine yearly mammogram the day before showed something wasn't right...tiny calcifications clustered in my right breast. My radiologist told me of the findings and said she was sending me to Methodist hospital to see a breast surgeon. Sure enough, within seconds of seeing my films Dr Sherry Lim said I had cancer. 

I immediately called a friend whose father and brother were both doctors at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. and I called Emma Jacobs. I was able to get in the following morning. After a 3-D mammogram and several biopsies later, (I had a total of six over the course of 2 weeks), doctors there concluded I had cancerous cells in both breasts and diagnosed me with DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ. 

Even though doctors were telling me the cancer was only stage 1, I was shocked by the findings.  I live a very healthy lifestyle, I eat well, mostly organic, and workout daily. I underwent genetic testing and BRCA screening, not only did I not carry the gene but this type of cancer does not run in my family. What tests did conclude was my cancer was 99% progesterone and estrogen receptor positive.  

I decided to undergo a single mastectomy in October at Methodist hospital. With Dr Lim as my surgeon, Dr Jenny Chang as my oncologist and Dr Jeffrey Friedman as my reconstructive surgeon, I knew I was in great hands. Almost two weeks after my surgery I found out the cancer had not spread and I did not need chemo or radiation. To say I was relieved is an understatement! I had already decided on which wigs to wear. 

I wore an expander in my right breast for three months before undergoing reconstructive surgery. 

I am happy to say I never missed a beat! I walked six miles every day one week after my surgery with draining tubes still in place.  Dr Friedman would not recommend this and is yelling at me as he's reading this! 

Today, I am on tamoxifen, a drug that blocks estrogen and progesterone in my body and lowers my chances of breast cancer recurrence. I still go in every six months for a mammogram in my left breast which makes me extremely nervous. But the good news is, I'm cancer free and I feel awesome! 

Thank you John Pappadopolous and Emma Jacobs for hooking me up with the great doctors at MD Anderson and Methodist hospitals. I appreciate the help of family and friends who were there to care for my two daughters, Alex and Kate, while I was in recovery. And to my girlfriends who went to the grocery store to shop, which I can not stand, and made drug store runs for my meds, I love every last one of you! 
